Sequence stratigraphy and microfacies analysis Sarvak Formation insouthwest of Borujen area


1 Associate Professor, Department of Geology, Shahrood University of Technology

2 M.Sc. NIOC


 In order to interpret the facies, depositional environment and sequence stratigraphy of  the Sarvak Formation (L. Albian-Cenomanian in study area) in SW Brojen area, one stratigraphic section were studied. Eight different microfacies have been recognized, which can be grouped into four depositional environments: tidal flat, lagoon, shoal and slope. The Sarvak Formation represents sedimentation on a carbonate ramp. Three third-order sequences are identified in the Sarvak Formation, on the basis of deepening and shallowing patterns in the microfacies. The upper part of the Kazhdumi Formation is considered as the TST of sequence 1. The boundary between Kazhdumi and Sarvak formations is considered as mfs. The HST of sequence 1 is recorded in the Sarvak Formation. The SB between sequence 3 and overlying formation (Gurpi Formation) is considered as SB1.                                                                              


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