Thermal Maturity Modeling, History of Hydrocarbon Generation and Erosion of Aghajari Formation in Binak Oilfield, South Iran


1 Associate Professor, Department of Geology, Shahid Chamran University

2 M.Sc. Shahid Chamran University


In this study thermal modeling of Pabdeh, Gurpi, Lafan and Kazhdumi Formations in Binak oilfield is carried out using data obtained from experimental analyses including, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, Vitrinite reflectance and Pars Basin Modeler, PBM, software. Tmax and Easy RO% models both demonstrate that Gurpi, Lafan and Kazhdumi Formations are in the early and Gadvan Formation is in the late oil generation stages. Thickness of Aghajari Formation is variable in Binak oilfield. Increase in Aghajari thickness particularly in the flanks caused the underlying formations to experience higher maturity levels. For instance, Pabdeh Formation has reached oil generation stage in well number 6 due to extra thickness of Aghajari Formation. The results of thermal modeling indicate an increase in heat flow up to 80 mw/m2 in the center of the oilfield which could be due to Kharg – Mish fault passing through the center of this oilfield. Oil generation history reveals that production of oil began after the deposition of related cap rocks. Also, oil generation from Gadvan Formation was taken place before; Kazhdumi Formation during; and Pabdeh, Gurpi and Lafan Formations just after trap formation. Finally, this model suggests, oil accumulation in Asmari, Bangestan and Khami reservoirs, along with deposition of Aghajari Formation during orogeny and later erosion of 200m of its sediments in the studied area.


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