Sedimentology and Geomorphology of Saghand Playa in Central Iran, (Yazd Province)


Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University


Saghand playa, with 2200 km2 in surface area is a basin formed during Plio-Quaternary tectonic activities in Central Iran. Gradual evaporation of the surface runoff in this depression forms playa. Exposure of different lithologies with different ages, ranging from Precambrian to recent rocks surrounded this playa and has affected sediment types, lithofacies and geomorphologic units. After processing of satellite data and field observation, 3 units, 9 types and 15 geomorphology facies were identified. Based on these data, geomorphologic map of playa was constructed. Studies of surface and subsurface samples of playa sediments as well as sedimentary structures and texture in the field and lab led to recognition of four lithofacies association including debris flow, fluvial, aolian and lake. These four lithofacies association consist of 12 lithofacies (Gms, Gmg, Gt, Sp, St, Sh, Sr, Sl, Fsm, Fl, Fm, P).


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