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Fig. 3: 1, 2, 6, 10- Equisetites muensteri; 3, 7- cf. Todites crenatum; 4, 11- Pterophyllum contiguum; 5, 8, 9, 14- Nilssonia acuminata; 12- Phlebopteris muensteri; 13- Scytophyllum persicum; 15- Pterophyllum schenki; 16- Dictyozamites asseretoi. Scale bars = 1 cm.
Fig. 4: 1- cf. Weltrichia primaeva; 2- cf. Todites crenatum; 3- Dictyophyllum exile; 4- Elatocladus sp.; 5- Carpolithes sp.; 6- Phlebopteris polypodioides; 7- Neocalamites cf. meriani; 8, 10- Pterophyllum contiguum; 9, 11- Nilssonia undulata. Scale bars = 1 cm.
Plate I- Figs. 1, 3- Equisetites muensteri- FJPT-1, FJPT-2; Fig. 2- Equisetites arenaceus- FJPT-6; Fig. 4- Neocalamites cf. meriani- FJPT-8; Fig. 5- Dictyophyllum exile- FJPT-11; Fig. 6- cf. Todites crenatum- FJPT-9. Scale bars = 1 cm.
Plate II. Figs. 1, 3- Phlebopteris polypodioides- FJPT-14, FJPT-15; Fig. 2- Equisetites muensteri- FJPT-5; Fig. 4- Phlebopteris muensteri- FJPT-12.
Plate III- Fig. 1- Scytophyllum persicum- FJPT-18; Fig. 2- Nilssonia undulata - FJPT-50; Fig. 3- Cladophlebis nebbensis- FJPT-16.
Plate IV- Fig. 1- Nilssonia cf. pterophylloides- FJPT-54; Fig. 2- Pterophyllum bavieri- FJPT-21; Fig. 3- Dictyozamites asseretoi- FJPT-20; Fig. 4- cf. Todites crenatum- FJPT-10.
Plate V- Figs. 1, 4- Pterophyllum contiguum - FJPT-22, FJPT-23; Fig. 2- Nilssonia acuminata- FJPT-44; Fig. 3- Phlebopteris polypodioides- a pinnule of FJPT-14; Fig. 5- Cladophlebis sp.- FJPT-17; Fig. 6a- Elatocladus sp.- FJPT-59, Fig. 6b- Phlebopteris muensteri- FJPT-13.
Plate VI- Fig. 1- Nilssoniopteris musafolia- FJPT-36; Fig. 2- Nilssoniopteris schenkiana- FJPT-38; Fig. 3- Pterophyllum schenki- FJPT-28; Fig. 4- Pterophyllum tietzei- FJPT-31.
Plate VII- Fig. 1- Pterophyllum aequale- FJPT-29; Fig. 2- Nilssonia undulata- FJPT-51; Fig. 3- Pterophyllum tietzei- FJPT-30.
Plate VIII- Fig. 1- Nilssonia pseudobrevis - FJPT-47; Fig. 2- Carpolithes sp.- FJPT- 55; Fig. 3- cf. Weltrichia primaeva - FJPT-32. Scale bars = 1 cm.