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Plate 1
Figs. A, B: Globigerinelloides blowi (Bolli, 1959);C- F: Schackoina cabri Bolli, 1957; G, H: Globigerinelloides algeriana Cushman & ten Dam, 1948; I, J: Globigerinelloides ferreolensis
Moullade, 1961;K: Hedbergella bizonae (Chevalier, 1961); L-N: Hedbergella roblesae (Obergon de la parra, 1959); O, P: Globigerinelloides barri (Bolli, Loeblich & Tappan, 1957); Q, R: Hedbergella gorbachikae Longoria, 1974; S: Hedbergella Praetrocoidea Longoria, 1974; T: Hedbergella trocoidea Gandolfi, 1942.
Plate 2
Figs.; A: Globigerinelloides aptiensis Longoria, 1974; B: Planomalina buxtorfi (Gandolfi, 1942);
C, D: Muricohedbergella simplex (Morrow, 1934); E: Ticinella madecassianaSigal, 1966; F: Ticinella raynaudi Sigal, 1966; G: Ticinella roberti (Gandolfi, 1942); H: Rotalipora subticinensis (Gandolfi, 1957); I: Rotalipora ticinensis (Gandolfi, 1942); J: Rotalipora. appenninica (Renz, 1936); K:Rotalipora brotzeni Sigal, 1948; L: Rotalipora gandolfi Luterbacher &Premoli Silva, 1962. M: Muricohedbergella planispira Tappan, 1940; N:Heterohelix moremani (Cushman, 1938); O: Costellagerina libyca (Barr, 1972); P,Q: Schackoina cenomana Schacko, 1897; R: Schackoina bicornis Reichel, 1948; S: Schackoina pentagonalis Reichel, 1948; T: Praeglobotruncana delrioensis (Plummer, 1931).